Big Hats For Big Heads

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The Big Head Dilemma

Big head problems and how to overcome them….

Being unique can be a blessing, but sometimes, it comes with its own set of challenges. One such distinctive feature that some men might face - is having a bigger head. While it may seem like a trivial matter, living with a larger cranium can bring about a range of problems and difficulties in daily life. In this blog, we explore the various issues men with big heads encounter, the impact it has on their lives, and how they can embrace their uniqueness with confidence.   (Scroll down for more!)

1. The Never-ending Quest for Well-fitting Hats:

One of the most common struggles for men with big heads is finding hats that fit comfortably. Most standard-sized hats tend to be too tight and uncomfortable, leaving marks on the forehead or causing headaches. This can be frustrating, as hats are not only a fashion accessory but also essential for sun protection. Specialised hat stores may offer larger sizes, but they are often limited in style and availability.

^This is exactly why we started selling Big Hats For Big Heads 🧢

2. Awkward Helmet Shopping:

For men who enjoy biking, skateboarding, or engaging in other sports that require helmets, shopping for headgear can be an awkward experience. Standard-sized helmets may not fit properly, jeopardizing safety and comfort. Many men with bigger heads are left with limited choices or must opt for costly custom-made helmets, making it a challenge to participate fully in their favourite activities.

3. Uncomfortable Headphones and Eyewear:

Big-headed individuals often find that standard-sized headphones and glasses press uncomfortably against their temples and ears. Prolonged use of ill-fitting headphones can lead to discomfort and even headaches, making it difficult to enjoy music, podcasts, or videos without discomfort. Similarly, finding the perfect pair of glasses can be a tedious process as most frames may not provide a snug fit.

4. Struggles with Self-confidence:

Having a big head can sometimes lead to self-consciousness and lower self-esteem. Men might worry about their appearance, especially if they feel it deviates from societal beauty standards. In social situations, they might fear that others are judging or making fun of their head size, further impacting their self-confidence and social interactions.

5. Limited Choice in Hairstyles:

A larger cranium can also restrict hairstyle choices. Men with big heads may find certain haircuts or hairstyles don't suit them as well as they do on others. The limited versatility in hairstyles might make it challenging to express themselves through their looks, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.

Embracing Your Uniqueness:

While having a big head may come with some challenges, it's essential to remember that uniqueness is what makes each individual special. Embracing one's distinctive features can foster self-acceptance and confidence. Here are some tips for men with big heads to navigate life more comfortably:

1. Custom-made Accessories:
Invest in custom-made hats, helmets, and glasses to ensure a perfect fit, comfort, and style that suits you.

(Your in the right place for that! Check out our XL hat range here!) 🧢

2. Hairstyles that Complement:
Work with a skilled barber to find haircuts and hairstyles that complement your facial features and head shape.

3. Self-Confidence:
Remember that confidence is attractive. Embrace your uniqueness and focus on your strengths rather than fixating on perceived flaws.

4. Even yourself out:
As harsh as this may sound - you can counteract your ‘big headed-ness’ by going to the gym and participating in muscle growing exercises to make the rest of your body be seen just as big!

5. Connect with Others:
Join online communities or support groups where you can interact with people facing similar challenges and share experiences.


Having a big head as a man might present some challenges in daily life, but with the right approach and mindset, these hurdles can be overcome. Embracing one's uniqueness and confidently navigating through the obstacles can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. Remember, it's our differences that make us stand out and contribute to the rich tapestry of human diversity.

Check out the wide range of Big Hats For Big Heads here - and never wear a tightly fitting hat again!